Though born in California and raised for a time in New Jersey, Joseph hails from Michigan. God graciously blessed Joseph’s childhood with faithful churches who preached the gospel and taught the Scriptures. God saved Joseph as a child and deepened his desire for God during youth. Following God’s lead, Joseph studied Bible and engineering at Cedarville University. After graduating with a Mechanical Engineering degree, he worked for a season in the automotive industry. During that time, God nudged Joseph to attend Dallas Theological Seminary. He came to Dallas in 2007. During his seminary tenure he was actively involved with a local church in Dallas where he met his beloved wife Amber. They married in 2010. Joseph completed the Master of Theology (ThM) program in 2013. He works as an engineer of HVAC systems. Joseph loves God, his wife, his five kids, and the church. He enjoys good stories, hikes in the woods, and bringing order from chaos as he waits for Christ’s return.