An Invitation to Become Like Jesus
Join us on a Discipleship Journey
Like a Sculptor chiseling a rough rock into a thing of beauty, so our God chisels away at us – chipping, shaping, molding, and refining as He goes. God’s vision: To make us more like Jesus Himself. As Master Sculptor, God works with an eye toward our ultimate perfection – an amazing thing of beauty!
At the same time, we respond by following Jesus on this journey – a discipleship journey whereby disciples increasingly become like their master.
Starting February and running through May, the Sunday morning messages at Centerpoint Church will challenge us to Become like Jesus. Our messages will focus on this process – perhaps more intensely than ever before! And you are invited to join us.
During this series, we will consider our connection to Jesus and how faith must grow as God chisels away at us. We will explore how Jesus has sent us to do His work and imitate His self-less sacrifice. Our desire to become like Jesus will increase, and we will be encouraged by a vision for the end product. All this comes from a careful investigation of selected passages flowing from the Holy Spirit through the pen of the Apostle John.
Our preaching team (Vic, Steve, and Mark) is ready to go. Our musicians will help us move forward. And along the way you will have opportunity to engage in personal spiritual disciplines to stimulate your growth during the week. You will want to join us as we pursue Becoming Like Jesus: A Discipleship Journey! Start time is 10:45 a.m. – Sunday.