Sermon: Treasure In Heaven
One of the great temptations we face as Christians is that we will follow the way of the world and strive hard after the treasures […]
One of the great temptations we face as Christians is that we will follow the way of the world and strive hard after the treasures […]
We are called to be generous and use our money here on earth to prepare for our eternity in heaven. But what about the bills […]
There are many good reasons to hold onto our money. Jesus, however, gives us one reason why we shouldn’t. He challenges us with a very […]
Especially when it comes to money, our culture constantly bombards us with the same message: “More, more, more!” And yet Scripture challenges us to have […]
God’s people are called to live distinct from the unbelieving world around us. But in what areas are we to stand out, and more importantly, […]
For God’s good pleasure, Centerpoint Church exists to Worship together, Strengthen each other, and Share with our world (1 Corinthians 10:31).