Sermon: Dynamics of Missions Partnerships
Philippians 1:3-8 Dr. Rick Calenberg On “Missions Sunday”
Philippians 1:3-8 Dr. Rick Calenberg On “Missions Sunday”
Mark 7:31-8:26 Steve Bergstrom Sermon series on the Gospel of Mark entitled “On the Way: The Journey of Discipleship”
Mark 7:1-30 Nate McKanna Sermon series on the Gospel of Mark entitled “On the Way: The Journey of Discipleship”
Matthew 27:57-28:17 Steve Bergstrom Sermon series on the Gospel of Mark entitled “On the Way: The Journey of Discipleship”
Mark 6:30-56 Andy Howard Sermon series on the Gospel of Mark–“On the Way: The Journey of Discipleship”
For God’s good pleasure, Centerpoint Church exists to Worship together, Strengthen each other, and Share with our world (1 Corinthians 10:31).