Sermon: A No-Risk Investment
Sermon Series: Snapshots of the Savior “A No-Risk Investment” Luke 16:1-13 Josh Winn 07/17/2011 [podcast][/podcast]
Sermon Series: Snapshots of the Savior “A No-Risk Investment” Luke 16:1-13 Josh Winn 07/17/2011 [podcast][/podcast]
Sermon Series: Snapshots of the Savior “What Wondrous Love is This?” John 12:1-8 David Hinds 07/10/2011 [podcast][/podcast]
Sermon Series: Snapshots of the Savior “Fair Wages According to a Generous God” Matthew 19:27 – 20:16 Josh Winn 07/03/2011 [podcast][/podcast]
Sermon Series: Snapshots of the Savior “Only One Authority” Mark 2:1-12 Vince Willis 06/26/2011 [podcast][/podcast]
Sermon Series: Snapshots of the Savior “The Path of Dependence to Enter God’s Kingdom” Mark 10:13-31 Marty McKee 06/19/2011 [podcast][/podcast]
For God’s good pleasure, Centerpoint Church exists to Worship together, Strengthen each other, and Share with our world (1 Corinthians 10:31).