Sermon: How Good Do You Have It….Spiritually?

Sermon Series on Hebrews: The Ultimate Jesus

“How Good Do You Have It….Spiritually?”

Sometimes we look back in our lives with great fondness. While a trip down memory lane makes us smile, we sure can be thankful for modern conveniences today that we didn’t have “back then.” The blessings we live with now are many (medical advances, technology, indoor plumbing!), and we should give thanks on a regular basis. Likewise, the “spiritual” blessings we live with today are many. These are the “Good ‘Ole Days.” Spiritually speaking, it’s never been better! And while that is true…the amazing thing is that even as good as it is now, it’s not as good as it’s going to get. Listen in as our journey in Hebrews 8 (and Jeremiah 31) reminds us of such great truths.

Dr. Mark Yarbrough 02/27/2011
